Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide


Initiating Ginger Island

Players wishing to visit Ginger Island must first restore the Community Center or complete all projects listed in Joja Community Development Form.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

Restoring the Community Center involves collecting all Community Center Bundles, which is recommended for beginners.

While gathering all Bundles can be tedious and time-consuming, it helps novice players understand the game mechanics.

Players unwilling to wait until the second year to complete the Bundles can ensure their completion within one year by clicking the wrench icon in the bottom left corner when creating a character.

Alternatively, the Joja Mart route involves spending 5,000 gold to become a member and then 135,000 gold to purchase all community development projects.

Journey to Ginger Island

Upon choosing either of the routes above, players will receive a letter from Willy in their mailbox, indicating that the back room of the fish shop is now open.

After reading the letter, visit the beach to trigger a dialogue with Willy and subsequently repair the boat using 200 Hardwood, 5 Batteries, and 5 Iron Bars.

At night, trigger the boat repair animation with Willy and Robin. The next day, visit the fish shop and pay 1,000 gold for a boat ticket, allowing Willy to sail to Ginger Island.

Required Items

Tools: Hoe, Fishing Rod, Axe, Watering Can, Scythe, Sword, Slingshot (with Stones), Flute Block

Crops: Banana, Melon, Wheat, Garlic

Ginger Island Layout

Ginger Island Pier

Arrive at Ginger Island’s initial location, the pier. The western area to the left and the northern area above have turtles blocking the path.

The middle Resort and Parrot Express are in ruins and require Golden Walnuts for restoration.

The entrance to the southeastern area is blocked, with only access through the Jungle Temple entrance on the right.

Southeastern Area (7 Golden Walnuts)

After spending 20 Golden Walnuts to restore the Resort at the pier, this area unlocks, offering places to obtain Golden Walnuts.

Pirate’s Cove Area (4 Golden Walnuts)

Accessible on non-rainy and even-numbered days after 8 PM on Ginger Island.

Jungle Temple (11 Golden Walnuts)

Start by visiting the Jungle Temple upon arriving at Ginger Island. Feed a Golden Walnut to the parrot in Leo’s Hut to trigger a storyline and proceed with further exploration.

Banana Shrine and Gem Bird Puzzle are facilities to obtain Golden Walnuts.

Northern Islands (29 Golden Walnuts)

Trigger Leo’s storyline to have the parrot move turtles blocking the northern area. Then, players can directly enter the northern part of Ginger Island.

The Blue Bird Merchant exchanges banana saplings, and rescuing the doctor from the Dig Site opens the Ginger Island Bureau. Answer questions and complete tasks from the doctor.

Volcano Area (21 Golden Walnuts)

The volcano entrance resembles a mine with ten levels; the tenth level features a forge for equipment enhancement.

The Parrot Express serves as a minecart transport point; Joja’s parrot sells Golden Walnuts, available in one bulk purchase for 1,300,000 gold.

Western Islands (52 Golden Walnuts)

After Leo’s storyline triggers, use 10 Golden Walnuts to move turtles blocking the path. Players can then enter the western area.

After unlocking Ginger Island House and Farm, players can reside and farm here. Mr. Qi’s Walnut Room offers quests for Qi Gems.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

In addition to the above 124 Golden Walnuts, players can find one Golden Walnut from the blacksmith shop, five from Ginger Island fishing, and eleven more from the Jungle Temple.

Jungle Temple (11 Golden Walnuts)

Upon arriving at Ginger Island’s starting location, head right to trigger Leo running away animation, then enter the Jungle Temple.

Inside the Jungle Temple, follow the map to collect one Golden Walnut.

Visit Leo’s hut and feed a Golden Walnut to the parrot to trigger a storyline. Use an axe to knock on the tree next to it to obtain one Golden Walnut.

Outside Leo’s hut, walk to the right into the shrine area, where there’s one Golden Walnut in the lower grass.

Complete the Gem Bird puzzle in the shrine area; follow this link for specific steps to receive five Golden Walnuts upon completion.

At the Banana Shrine, place bananas to obtain three Golden Walnuts (talk to the Pirate’s Wife for clues).

Follow the routes above to collect a total of eleven Golden Walnuts from the Jungle Temple.

Northern Islands (29 Golden Walnuts)

After leaving the Jungle Temple to the pier, enter the northern area, where you’ll find one Golden Walnut by digging with a hoe in the location marked in the image.

Follow the arrow direction inside the area to find one Golden Walnut directly visible.

Upon exiting, follow the indications in the image to enter the hidden passage inside the large tree, where there’s one Golden Walnut. Collect it.

Proceed upward, where marked (the central area surrounded by grass), use a hoe to find one Golden Walnut.

Move right, use a hoe as indicated in the image to find one Golden Walnut.

Proceed upward, where indicated (very faint traces), use a hoe to find one Golden Walnut.

Continue upward to the broken bridge leading to the excavation site, turn right, behind the coconut tree is one Golden Walnut.

Further up, next to the Parrot Express, there’s a small circle of stones on the mountain wall; dig with a hoe to find one Golden Walnut.

Use a slingshot loaded with stones to knock down coconuts growing on the mountain wall to find one Golden Walnut.

Head left from the volcano entrance, use a hoe to find one Golden Walnut based on Diary Page #10 clues (unable to dig without Diary Page #10).

Proceed upward, where marked, use a hoe to find one Golden Walnut.

Below this position, there’s a hidden passage in the bushes; cross it to the lower level to find one Golden Walnut.

Return to the bridge location, after repairing the bridge with ten Golden Walnuts (first unlock the Ginger Island Farm), proceed to the excavation site to rescue Snail Doctor and open Ginger Island Bureau.

Completing puzzles and donating to the Ginger Island Bureau yields thirteen Golden Walnuts. Follow this link for detailed steps.

After entering the excavation site, head upstairs; find one Golden Walnut by using a hoe in the area marked on the map.

To the right of this location, two small stones suggest a path ahead; proceed forward to find two Golden Walnuts at the end.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

Return to the starting point, cross the bridge, and obtain 1 Golden Walnut.

Following the above route, a total of 29 Golden Walnuts can be obtained in the Northern region.

Western Islands (52 Golden Walnuts in total):
On the left path next to the beach, scare off the turtle with the parrot to obtain 10 Golden Walnuts, unlocking the Western area.

Enter Ginger Island Farm, go up the stairs, use a hoe at the marked location in the picture to dig and obtain 1 Golden Walnut.

Follow the tree leaf markings in the bushes on the right side, right-click at the end to obtain 1 Golden Walnut, recommended to bring Glow Ring at night.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

Go left along the cliff edge, there’s a narrow path downwards where you can see 1 Golden Walnut, right-click to collect it.

Walk to the left platform below Parrot Express’s suspension bridge, enter the crystal cave hidden by coconut leaves, complete the mini-game to obtain 3 Golden Walnuts.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

The crystal cave mini-game consists of five rounds; after the crystals light up, tap them in sequence. Recording with a mobile phone is recommended for faster sequences.

After exiting the crystal cave, right-click to obtain 1 Golden Walnut below the tree leaves.

Go left and down to Slime Island; near the mahogany stump surrounded by wood piles, use a hoe to dig and obtain 1 Golden Walnut.

Behind the mahogany tree on the left side, there’s 1 Golden Walnut on the short bushes.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

There’s a chance to obtain 1 Golden Walnut by defeating Tiger Slimes here; Slimes respawn daily.

Go through the narrow path to the right of Slime Island to find 1 Golden Walnut at the end.

Go down to the beach; there’s 1 Golden Walnut on the short tree in the corner.

To the left of Mr. Qi’s hut, walk along the beach edge to the end to get 1 Golden Walnut.

At the lower map position on the beach, use a hoe according to the clues from Diary Scrap #4 to dig and obtain 1 Golden Walnut (cannot be dug without Diary Scrap #4).

Proceed forward to encounter the Pirate’s Wife; initiate a conversation to trigger a task (NPC Kent, requires completion in the second year).

For details on some nesting dolls, the player can click on this link, completing the mission to obtain 5 Golden Walnuts.

Go right, there’s 1 Golden Walnut behind the coconut tree.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

In the Coral Beach area, use a hoe at the positions marked in the picture to obtain a total of 3 Golden Walnuts (the sea stars are blocked by large rocks; breaking them is necessary).

In the lower wormhole area, use a iridium watering can to charge or block the three holes with fences to kill them and obtain 1 Golden Walnut.

Go right over the wooden bridge; there’s a sunken ship on the beach. Enter the cabin to get 1 Golden Walnut.

After leaving the sunken ship, go up; use a hoe at the marked location in the picture to obtain 1 Golden Walnut.

Stardew Valley: Ginger Island 130 Golden Walnut Complete Collection Guide

There’s a chance to drop Golden Walnuts when harvesting clam mines here, for a total of 5 Golden Walnuts.

Walk to the right along the clam mine beach; use a hoe according to the clues from Diary Scrap #6 to dig and obtain 1 Golden Walnut (cannot be dug without Diary Scrap #6).

Spend 20 Golden Walnuts to unlock Ginger Island Farm (repair Ginger Island Cabin), open the cave on the right, and trigger the Frog Gourmet task.

For detailed steps, click this link; note that the crops needed by the frog must be on the farm and cannot be harvested. Upon completion, a total of 15 Golden Walnuts can be obtained.

Planting one-time crops (starfruit, melon, pumpkin, etc.) on Ginger Island Farm and harvesting them has a chance to yield Golden Walnuts, totaling 5 Golden Walnuts.

Following the above route, a total of 52 Golden Walnuts can be obtained in the Western Islands.

Volcano area (21 Golden Walnuts in total):
After entering the volcano, use a watering can to water leftwards to create a path to a hidden passage; come out to get 2 Golden Walnuts.

There’s a chance to obtain Golden Walnuts by killing monsters in the volcano, with a maximum of 5 Golden Walnuts.

Mining in the volcano area has a chance to drop Golden Walnuts, with a maximum of 5 Golden Walnuts.

Opening advanced volcano chests (non-smashable boxes) also has a chance to drop Golden Walnuts, totaling 2 Golden Walnuts.

Smashing low-level chests has a chance to spawn Little Machines; killing them has a chance to obtain Golden Walnuts, totaling 5 Golden Walnuts.

At the volcano’s tenth floor, the forging station position, there’s one Golden Walnut each at the entrance and exit, totaling two Golden Walnuts in the tenth floor.

Beach area (7 Golden Walnuts in total):
Spend 20 Golden Walnuts to repair Ginger Island Resort. Enter the beach area from the right road.

Fishing in the pentagon-shaped shallows can get you 1 Golden Walnut.

Use a hoe in the area surrounded by little stars next to the shallows to dig and get 1 Golden Walnut.

On rainy days on Ginger Island, trigger the Mermaid task on the beach; complete the puzzle-solving steps to obtain 5 Golden Walnuts.

Following the above route, a total of 7 Golden Walnuts can be obtained in the beach area.

Pirate Cove (4 Golden Walnuts in total):
Pirate Cove opens on Ginger Island on even-numbered days at 8 PM when it’s not raining.

Enter Pirate Cove to the area below where you can fish for red squirrels, use a hoe at the marked location on the map to dig and get 1 Golden Walnut.

Find the pirate playing darts:

The dart game features a moving yellow circle. Players can move the circle, hold it down to freeze and shrink its range, and release to throw the dart.

You must reach his specified score exactly. If you exceed his score, you’ll need to start again when there are darts available, or end the game on the spot if there are none.

To obtain all 3 Golden Walnuts from the dart game, you need to win three times. This game provides a total of 3 Golden Walnuts.

Other methods (6 Golden Walnuts in total): Completing tasks and puzzles along the aforementioned route yields a total of 124 Golden Walnuts, leaving six:

Visit the Blacksmith Shop to open the golden coconut. Opening it for the first time guarantees 1 Golden Walnut.

Fishing at any location on Ginger Island has a chance to yield Golden Walnuts. This totals to 5 Golden Walnuts.

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