Dragon’s Dogma 2: What skills are good for a mage?

2: I’m having a difficult time with only four skill slots in the second game. Currently, I have Guardian, Encouragement, Thunderstorm, and one optional skill. Personally, I feel that Guardian and Divine Encouragement are essential, but having Thunderstorm for some crowd control doesn’t seem to work well. I miss the Holy Enchantment from the previous game.

Dragon's Dogma 2: What skills are good for a mage?

1: In the late game, where damage output is excessive, I don’t bring offensive skills.
Personally, I focus on maximizing support skills like Shield, Silence, and Encouragement. For the remaining slot, I consider Enchantment, Acceleration Formation, Abnormality Removal, or Instant Healing, depending on the situation.

2: My mage character has a pure innocent personality and often wanders off to pick up items and gets left behind in battles. So, I bring spells that require him to move actively or ones that don’t require movement, such as Thunder, Healing, Silence, and Ice Enchantment.

3: Purification, Shield, Enchantment, and one more optional skill. If you’re a sorcerer, you can replace Enchantment with other skills. Mages don’t need to bring Silence since there is a staff for silencing in this installment.

4: Guardian, Holy Bead, Enchantment, Thunderbolt/Ice Spear.
Not bringing Purification because you can use curatives, and setting up the purification spell takes time as your character slowly walks over to cast it.
Holy Bead is a wide-area magic with a holy attribute, providing bright illumination during the night and in large caves. It enhances the gaming experience when used.
Enchantment increases damage and can be swapped to target specific types of enemies by using fire to enchant, for example.
Guardian increases fault tolerance.
Thunderbolt has a fast casting speed and long range, making it highly effective as a supportive attack.
I don’t bring Encouragement because it takes too long to cast, and by the time it finishes, the battle is almost over. If I don’t bring Thunderbolt or similar attack magic, then maybe I would consider bringing Encouragement. Don’t underestimate the supportive role of attack magic. Clearing small enemies from afar creates an undisturbed environment for damage output. Thunderbolt accumulates daze value, while Ice Spear assists in freezing and reaching high platforms. They both serve as both supportive and offensive abilities.

5: Recovery, Purification, Shield, and one last skill, absolutely do not bring Encouragement. Once you try bringing it, you’ll see that even for fighting small enemies, the character frequently falls behind, and I have to wait for them to finish casting encouragement. It might be useful for improving affinity, but it’s not necessary for normal battles. I cleared Amber Dragon without any Master Skills at level 30 as a warrior; do I really need that defense and stamina buff? I’d rather bring some reliable skills.

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