Dragon’s Dogma 2: How does a Sorcerer make money?

Recently, most people have been using the Medusa Bow to level up their characters. However, in the later stages of the game, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure the last hit with the Medusa Bow due to insufficient damage and high skill consumption, which leads to lower chances of success.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How does a Sorcerer make money?

Later on, I switched to a melee build focused on using climbing attacks and explosive kicks to deal massive damage. This allowed me to regain the ability to secure the last hit and gradually develop a preference for melee combat. The core strategy for this Sorcerer build is climbing attacks and crowd control. Here’s an explanation of the mechanics: In Dream Road (Spinx’s Treasure Box area), you passively earn gold coins from defeating enemies (except for hitting cows, deer, sheep, crows, and bats). Each hit grants 10 gold coins, hitting weak points or unbalanced enemies has a chance to drop 100 gold coins, and hitting enemies that are knocked down, suppressed, frozen, and have weak points can potentially drop 1000 gold coins. By understanding this mechanic, we can quickly farm gold coins.

For example, when fighting Lizardmen, start by activating your Illusion. Then, try to knock them down and use Dragon Roar (if solo) or coordinate with teammates to keep them knocked down. The crucial step is to quickly grab onto them and initiate a suppression attack while summoning your Illusion. Your Illusion will take over the suppression, allowing you to quickly release the grab and continuously attack the lizardman’s tail with regular attacks. You’ll notice a burst of 1000 gold coins repeatedly. Another example is the Giant Wolf boss. The initial steps are the same—knocking it down—and then you cling to its tailbone, summon your Illusion, and let the Illusion act as a distraction. This causes the boss to take longer to get up. At this point, simply attack its legs, and you’ll see bursts of 100G and 1000G gold coins. I haven’t discovered an efficient method for obtaining 1000 gold coins from other bosses yet.

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