Dragon’s Dogma 2: Overview of Common Passive Effects for Each Class

Passive Effects Overview

Warrior – Endurance: Increase base physical defense by x1.3 + 45 | Dazzling: Double the threat value | Quick Recovery: Reduce time spent on the ground by 0.3 seconds, stagger time by 1 second

Dragon's Dogma 2: Overview of Common Passive Effects for Each Class

Archer – Conditioning: Increase maximum stamina by 150 | Critical Focus: +5% damage to weak points

Mage – Magic Endurance: Increase base magical defense by x1.3 + 45 | Arcane Blessing: +20% duration for applied enchantments and statuses | Vitality: +10% stamina regeneration rate

Rogue – Stealthy: -15% threat value | Brutal Strike: +30 to physical attack power | Life Drain: Restore 4% of maximum health upon killing an enemy (cannot exceed health bar)

Fighter – Vigor: Increase maximum health by 200 | Strength: Push/pull abilities x1.5 when the enemy’s target is self | Penetration: +30% shield-breaking ability | Impact: +30% knockback ability | Pain Reduction: -5% damage accumulation on damage bar

Wizard – Erosion: Accumulate +20% status effect effectiveness on enemies | Impact Resistance: +30% knockback resistance | Pain Infliction: +5% elemental damage against restrained targets | Ferocity: +30 to magical attack power

Spellblade – Yin and Yang: +5% physical attack during daytime, +5% magical attack during nighttime | Swift Running: -10% stamina consumption during sprinting

Magebow – Defense Amplification: Increase follower’s physical and magical defenses by 30 points each | Star Absorption: Restore 10% stamina upon killing an enemy | Attack Enhancement: Increase follower’s physical and magical attacks by 30 points each

Illusionist – Sanctuary: -65% chance of being attacked while riding a bull cart or camping | Concealed Presence: -15% enemy vision while out of combat

Dragon Choice – Agile as a Swallow: -5% stamina consumption when using custom skills | Swift as the Wind: Reduce the impact of weight levels by 1 level

Recommended Passive Combinations for Each Class & Branch

(Followers cannot learn passive skills from Spellblade, Magebow, Illusionist, or Dragon Choice)

In Dragon’s Creed 2, at least 80% of battles involve clearing small monsters, with encounters with large monsters being very rare.

The suggested build direction focuses on efficiency in clearing miscellaneous enemies and sustainability.

Tank-type Warrior/Fighter/Rogue: Endurance, Magic Endurance, Impact Resistance, Quick Recovery, Dazzling, Strength

Physical Damage-oriented Warrior/Fighter: Conditioning, Vitality, Brutal Strike, Critical Focus, Stealthy, Impact

Physical Damage-oriented Rogue/Archer: Conditioning, Vitality, Brutal Strike, Critical Focus, Stealthy, Life Drain

Magic Damage-oriented Wizard/Magebow: Conditioning, Vitality, Ferocity, Critical Focus, Stealthy, Star Absorption

Pure Support Mage: Conditioning, Vitality, Ferocity, Arcane Blessing, Stealthy, Impact Resistance

Mixed Damage Spellblade: Conditioning, Vitality, Brutal Strike, Ferocity, Yin and Yang, Star Absorption

Dragon Choice: Depends on skill selection, cannot be generalized

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