Dragon’s Dogma 2: Thief’s High Jump and Long Jump Technique Tutorial

Thieves in Dragon’s Dogma 2 possess remarkable agility and flexibility, allowing them to easily leap onto rooftops or jump across broken bridges with the right skills. Check out the tutorials for advanced thief techniques, which can make exploring the map more convenient and enjoyable!

Dragon's Dogma 2: Thief's High Jump and Long Jump Technique Tutorial

One involves jumping long distances, and the other involves jumping high. Once you master them, navigating the map as a thief will be much easier and more fun!

Advanced High Jump Technique: First, let’s start with a relatively simple advanced technique for jumping high. Usually, when we encounter places of this height,

You can easily reach them using Explosive Jump + Platforming.

Here are a few things to note:

First: Explosive Jump followed by quickly pressing the Platforming button allows you to perform this technique. If the time gap is too long, you won’t jump as high.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Thief's High Jump and Long Jump Technique Tutorial

Second: Don’t jump first and then use Explosive Jump! This will also result in a lower jump.

Third: When using this technique, don’t get too close to the wall of the platform you want to jump onto because this technique tends to lean forward. So if you’re too close, you might jump in the opposite direction.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Thief's High Jump and Long Jump Technique Tutorial

Advanced Long Jump Displacement Technique: First, you need to set up the Explosive Blaze line:

Then sprint and jump out:

Next, use Explosive Jump + Explosive Blaze line. This action is the core concept of this technique, utilizing the Explosive Blaze line to continue the translational speed of the Explosive Jump.

Finally, connect it with Platforming to achieve this very long displacement technique.

There are two difficulties with this technique:

First: There are more hand operations involved, so you need to familiarize yourself with the entire process.

Second: You need to get used to the timing of connecting Explosive Jump with the Explosive Blaze line. Personally, I almost immediately use the Explosive Blaze line after using Explosive Jump. You can try it out.

After mastering this technique, you can often traverse valleys or broken bridges directly. But there’s a problem: what about your companions?

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