Dragon’s Dogma 2: Tips for Making Money Sharing

Long-term Money-making Methods

Dragon's Dogma 2: Tips for Making Money Sharing

You can judge the contents of a treasure chest based on its appearance; a wooden chest usually contains consumables, while a well-preserved looking chest likely holds equipment or valuable items like Dragon Stones, Wakestones, or spellbooks.

Wilderness equipment is generally one level stronger than local shop goods but lower than the goods in the next area, although they sell for a good price.

It’s advisable to keep around 10 pieces of monster materials; selling any excess can be profitable.

The most valuable drops are three types of stones that can be sold for high prices in their corresponding regions, with one fetching up to 2900; planning your route carefully can lead to significant earnings.

Consumable items that degrade can be combined in pairs to create various tools, saving weight and ensuring long-term preservation while increasing their value.

To implement Plan One, play as a stronger class. Only when you are strong enough will you have the courage to take less-traveled paths instead of the main roads.

The strongest class is the Thief; after obtaining both secret arts in the main storyline, you are essentially invincible.

Route planning during exploration is straightforward; follow the smaller paths, as the points of interest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are often located along these routes. If you see an unexplored path, take it.

What to do if you have no money to stay in inns in the early game:
The simplest emergency method for making money early on is hunting animals for meat and gathering herbs and flowers. Just outside the north gate of Vein City, you can find herds of cows; killing them yields meat, with a chance for prime cuts. Combining these into meatballs and jerky can provide emergency funds.

In the slums of Vein City, there is a type of herb outside the monastery that you can gather for free. Herbs can be used in various concoctions, which can be sold for quick cash.

Additionally, any two different types of flowers can be combined to make a bouquet, which sells for 500 each. The Lionhead Instructor has a field of Moonflowers beside a campfire; you can collect his Beast Hair, mix it with Sunflowers by the roadside, and sell the bouquets.

*There is a chance to gain regular customers by giving bouquets when dismissing followers.

What to do if you urgently need money in the mid-game in Bardo:
If you urgently need money, consider hunting dragons; Dragon Crystals sell for 1500 each, so slaying a dragon could make you instantly wealthy.

However, Dragon Crystals have future use, so this method is not particularly recommended.

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