Dragon’s Dogma 2: Fast Ways to Earn Gold Coins

Dragon's Dogma 2: Fast Ways to Earn Gold Coins

Selling Northern specialty apples and grapes to the desert, buying desert figs back to the North to earn gold coins. Let’s cut to the chase and get into specific steps. If there are other optimization methods, please let me know, as there should be more than one method.

  1. Prepare two teleport stones and two base stones, with a cost of 20,000 gold coins, and ensure that there are no timed quests in the quest list.
  2. Go to the Thief Village and find the potion merchant. Purchase 5 apples and 5 grapes. Sit on the bench in front of the inn and close your eyes consecutively 12 times (you don’t need to stand up or press quickly to close your eyes continuously). Each time you close your eyes, rest for 6 hours. After 12 times, which is 3 days later, the shop will refresh, then buy 5 apples and 5 grapes again.
  3. By this time, you will have 5 quick-rotten apples and grapes, as well as 5 fresh apples and grapes. Store them in the warehouse to keep them fresh.
  4. Repeat the process of closing your eyes 12 times, finding the merchant, closing your eyes 12 times, finding the merchant, storing in the warehouse, closing your eyes 12 times… until your warehouse has: 99 quick-rotten apples, 99 quick-rotten grapes, 99 apples, and 99 grapes.
  5. Place a base stone in the Thief Village and another at the Bardadur Inn. If you haven’t been to Bardadur yet, go through the small path from the checkpoint village without much delay.
  6. Take out all the fruits from the warehouse, find the potion merchant in Bardadur, and sell only the quick-rotten ones! Buy a teleport stone. When the fresh fruits are about to rot, sit on a bench, close your eyes until they spoil, then sell them, and buy another teleport stone.
  7. Teleport back to the Thief Village – repeat the above steps – teleport back to Bardadur to sell – buy two teleport stones.

Quick-rotten apples and grapes are sold for 350 each in Bardadur, minus the purchase cost of 50 each, and two teleport stones cost 20,000 each. After one trip, you can earn a net profit of 100,000 gold coins.

In summary, it’s taking advantage of the outrageous price difference between the two locations to conduct trade.

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