Persona 5 The Phantom X: Method to Complete Non-Sneak Skill Upgrade Targets

Non-sneak skills are the active skills of the Phantom Thieves.

Persona 5 The Phantom X: Method to Complete Non-Sneak Skill Upgrade Targets

For example, in the case of Li Yaoling’s skill “Ferryman,” which can be actively used in battle, you can see the “Active” tag next to the skill name when you open the skill description.

In the Business Objective I and II stages, there is a condition to “upgrade any 2 non-sneak skills of 1/2 Phantom Thieves by 3 levels each.” Here, you need to select 1-2 Phantom Thieves and upgrade any 2 of their active skills by 3 levels each. This means that if the default level is 1, after upgrading 3 times it should become level 4. Once you have completed this upgrade, the objective will be fulfilled. Skill upgrade materials can be obtained by completing tasks, exploring palaces, or from Mementos – Armory of Arrowsmith.

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