Persona 5 The Phantom X: Detailed Explanation of YUI Skills and Recommended Equipment and Team Composition

Skill Introduction
Skill One: Crackling Surprise Box

While dealing damage to enemies, there is a chance to inflict electric shock on the enemies, increasing the probability of electric shock on the main target.

Persona 5 The Phantom X: Detailed Explanation of YUI Skills and Recommended Equipment and Team Composition

Skill Two: Explosive Bricks

After causing damage, increase the skill’s critical hit rate. If a critical hit occurs, additional pursuit damage can be dealt.

Skill Three: Super Rare Reward

① Can only be used on teammates, not by YUI herself.

② Increases the teammate’s critical hit rate and attack power, with the multiplier increasing with YUI’s own critical hit rate, lasting for one turn.

③ Enhances YUI’s pursuit skill damage, lasting for two turns.

④ The higher YUI’s critical hit rate, the higher the bonus; after a teammate lands a critical hit, YUI’s pursuit damage will also increase.

Suitable for use on teammates with high critical hit rates to maximize triggering effects.

Persona 5 The Phantom X: Detailed Explanation of YUI Skills and Recommended Equipment and Team Composition

Skill Four: Battle Tactics

① [ONE MORE]: Deals electric damage to downed enemies.

② [HIGHLIGHT]: Group buff ultimate move; requires full energy to release, providing all teammates with increased attack power and critical hit rate for two turns.

③ Melee Attack: Basic attack that deals physical damage to enemies.

④ Gun Attack: Shoots enemies with firearms, dealing ballistic damage; the more bullets, the more shots fired.

Skill Five: Agility

Passive potential skill unlocked at Potential (Breakthrough) Level 1, providing additional critical hit effect on electrified enemies.

Skill Six: Sparkle

Passive enhancement skill unlocked at Potential (Breakthrough) Level 4, increases attack power by 20% when attacking enemies below 50% health holding the “Mischievous Seed” (increases with level).

Mask Introduction

As YUI’s exclusive mask, Empress provides frequent follow-up attacks for YUI, boosts attack power for teammates after YUI’s follow-up attacks, offers good damage output and amplification effects. With advanced consciousness, the added effects become stronger, suggesting an upgrade to provide additional team-wide attack bonuses. Once fully upgraded, YUI becomes a powerful follow-up damage dealer.

Note: Repeatedly obtaining the same character is required for upgrading consciousness.

Weapon Selection
Virtual Disturber

YUI’s five-star exclusive weapon.
Provides a critical hit rate bonus and stacks “Reward Points” that can trigger additional attack power boosts for teammates. With full stack of “Reward Points,” it grants a team-wide attack boost. When paired with a high-critical hit rate team, it can accumulate points more effectively.

Future Directive

After dealing electric shock damage to enemies, it boosts the team’s attack power without affecting the activation of “Super Rare Reward.” Compared to “Virtual Disturber,” it lacks some critical hit rate bonuses but offers a team-wide attack boost. It triggers once every two rounds, providing self and allies with an attack buff.

Volt Twin Rings

A three-star transitional weapon; anytime a critical hit occurs, it increases attack power for two rounds, making it a good choice for YUI’s self-amplification.

Team Composition
Electrifying Damage Crit Team

YUI’s “Super Rare Reward” and “HIGHLIGHT” skills offer good damage buffs. “Super Rare Reward” and “Explosive Bricks” also have good pursuit effects. Suhayo Aruka, easily obtained and passive skill “Protection” enhances damage against electrified enemies. Paired with Molojana’s healing and defense reduction skill “Gale Assault,” this team has impressive output potential against non-electricity-resistant foes.

Crit Pursuit Damage Team

Ryuji’s skill “Powerful Strike” can consistently trigger critical hits. YUI’s exclusive mask skill “Big Project! Activate” triggers an attack boost after a follow-up, ensuring a looped output. YUI’s “Super Rare Reward” and “HIGHLIGHT” further amplify attack power and critical hit rate, aiding in consistent critical hit rate activation and YUI’s pursuit damage, offering a playstyle of “your turn is my turn.”

③ Additionally, YUI is a capable damage amplifier that fits almost any team composition. In the absence of better damage support options, YUI is an excellent choice for the team. Coupled with early-game acquisitions like Suhayo Aruka and Lofel (a healer), this team will prosper.

Gameplay Summary
Core character for a critical hit strategy, YUI’s pursuit and damage amplification abilities are comfortable. When not focused on output, can serve as secondary damage support. Drawing YUI means gaining significant benefits; paired with a five-star weapon, she excels as the primary damage dealer. If drawn from the beginner card pool, pair YUI with Suhayo Aruka for an electrifying critical hit damage strategy. If not drawn, select YUI with the 7-day sign-in free selection. Consider adding Molojana for improved team output and survivability. For a critical hit pursuit strategy, consider drawing Banben Ryushi to complement YUI’s damage amplification abilities for an eased journey through the game.

Consciousness Level and Weapon Suggestions
① At Level 0 consciousness, YUI is a competent damage support. As consciousness progresses and weapons are acquired, YUI transitions from damage support to an output role. It is recommended to obtain at least a five-star exclusive weapon.

② Upon obtaining a weapon, continue advancing consciousness levels. For enhanced output, Level 1 and Level 3 consciousness are favorable choices, significantly boosting YUI’s damage output. Ensure the pairing with a five-star exclusive weapon.

③ At full consciousness level, damage amplification will reach its peak. YUI’s skills will greatly improve, enhancing pursuit and damage capabilities in a cyclic manner. With full advancement, YUI excels as an efficient damage-amplifying pursuit character fit for any team composition.

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