No Rest for the Wicked: Bow and Arrow Build Strategy

This bow and arrow build is easy to shape, boasts decent damage, and has the ability to break through trials.

No Rest for the Wicked: Bow and Arrow Build Strategy

Key components include the scatter arrows of the Level 2 Carpenter’s Purple Shirt Longbow, primary weapon damage focusing, damage-to-focus regeneration properties, and the stunner arrows of the Pale Ashes weapon for trial bursts.

Minimum Requirements:
Agility Requirement: A minimum of 22 agility is required.
Focus Requirement: Over 200 points, satisfying the condition of Focus Points x Damage Acquisition Focus Percentage x (1 + Focus Acquisition Rate) x 8 ≥ 100. For example, with 200 focus points, causing a focus recovery of 7%, and a focus acquisition rate of 40%, one shot of scatter arrow recovers 156 focus, which is sufficient to address sustainability issues.

No Rest for the Wicked: Bow and Arrow Build Strategy

However, if monsters move erratically, you may miss a few arrows. Therefore, it is recommended to have 300 focus points, allowing for three skill uses.

Affix Requirements:
The bow is the offhand weapon, while the main and off-hand weapons are used simultaneously in daily combat. The primary weapon should have damage-to-focus and healing affixes. The off-hand weapon attack can also trigger these effects. Minimum requirements for affixes include gaining focus upon dealing damage and a healing affix that can be paired with the Crow Ring for ample health restoration per attack.

Refinement of Build Strategy:
Equipment Selection: In the early to mid-game, use Metal Mesh Armor based on personal preference for weight capacity. Typically, with limited points during this phase, players opt for heavier loads. Shoulder-bump tactics can be used followed by a scatter arrow. In the late game, switch to Iron Plate Armor for 900 armor, providing the capital to stand and fight as well as margin for error.

Ring Selection: One Crow Ring is essential, while the second ring choice is optional.

Skill Selection: Utilize the stunner arrow of the Pale Ashes Bow for 100 mana cost with a single attack. Exercise caution when mana is low. This skill provides significant stagger, useful for self-defense when monsters close in or interrupting enemy spellcasting, offering minor stagger to potentially break shields.

Primary Weapon: Equip the Flash Spell from the primary weapon affixes to enhance pulling capabilities, ensuring survivability even when heavily engaged. Remote output is key; secondary weapon numbers 2 and 3 can feature buff skills available at enchantment shops, obtained from different shop tiers. Buff up before boss fights for an advantageous edge.

Gemstone Selection: Primary weapons do not require any gemstones. Add metal rivets to the Purple Shirt Longbow for additional damage and Yellow Jade for focus restoration. Other gemstones are optional. In armor pieces, increase head healing effectiveness and focus acquisition rate with chest armor enhancing focus levels, and yellow jade in pants to alleviate focus pressure.

No Rest for the Wicked: Bow and Arrow Build Strategy

Output Method:
Pressing the left shoulder button initiates the bow-drawing motion. With automatic targeting enabled, the character automatically aims at enemies, enabling high or low shots. Without triggering aggro, a single scatter shot can eliminate enemies instantly. With 53 agility, my shots average around 270 damage against small foes, capable of one-shotting trial mobs. When facing Echo Knights, due to their 50 physical resistance, damage output is less pronounced. However, being ranged and boasting high armor penetration abilities, they can be knocked down in just a few hits. If they charge, use a Flash Spell to escape; maintaining distance allows continuous attack. Cross-screen attacks may not maximize damage, but the scatter bow’s armor reduction prowess is formidable. Occasionally, use a stunner arrow for control. With full plate armor later on, engage in close combat while the scatter arrow’s health restoration is incredibly potent.

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