Dragon’s Dogma 2: Companion Mechanism Sharing

If you ever feel frustrated by the seemingly foolish behavior of your companions in the game, like when there’s a treasure chest tantalizingly close on a high platform, but no amount of commanding with “GO” can persuade your mage or fighter companion to fly up and retrieve it for you. Or perhaps you’ve already ascended to the role of regional lord, expecting guidance to explore the full expanse of the region, yet encountering no hints or clues about unopened chests, hidden caves, or impending monster attacks. If you’re grappling with such dilemmas, let’s engage in a discussion to share insights.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Companion Mechanism Sharing

To kick off, here’s a handy tip: the exploration assistance interface of the regional lord. Many players might overlook this crucial feature due to lack of attention, missing out on accessing this interface. In downtime without any urgent tasks, your companion may suddenly express a desire to show you a particular location of interest. Pay heed to initiating this conversation as it triggers the regional lord’s option window. To delve deeper, a subsequent interaction with your companion will grant you entry into this interface.

Equipped with the Shoulder Throw and Shield Toss skills, your companions can assist in reaching a chest perched on a high platform by standing below it and beckoning with the command “COME” for a lift. During combat, if you or your companions possess these skills, remember to activate them only within battle scenarios. Initiate the “COME” command to execute the maneuver of launching yourself toward formidable foes.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Companion Mechanism Sharing

In situations where, as a ranged attacker, you ponder why your melee companions seem oblivious to provoking enemies and remain passively positioned behind you, leaving you vulnerable, consider creating distance and directing the “GO” command to prompt them to reposition and distract adversaries effectively. Moreover, in instances of enemy AoE attacks catching your companions unawares, swiftly employ the “COME” command to disrupt their skill execution. While these tactics may be familiar to seasoned players, the aim is to engage and aid newer or enthusiastic members seeking a deeper understanding of the game. As for the elusive prompt for the mage to ascend and retrieve chests from high platforms, the mechanism remains a puzzle that demands further investigation before consistent activation.

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