Persona 5 The Phantom X: Classroom Question Answers Overview

Persona 5 The Phantom X: Classroom Question Answers Overview

Classroom Questions

  1. What is the wrong way to go?

Answer: Clam

  1. Who is Slovakia’s Robin Hood?

Answer: Juraj Janosik

  1. Which Nobel Prize does not exist?

Answer: Mathematics

  1. What is the shortest poem in Hyakunin Isshu?

Answer: A one-word poem

  1. What is special about an owl’s ears?

Answer: The position of their ear holes are not parallel

  1. What happens when you dig up buried treasure?

Answer: You can only take part of it

  1. What organ is associated with melancholy?

Answer: Liver

  1. “Hundred million” refers to what number?

Answer: One billion

  1. What material was not used in ancient Roman road construction?

Answer: Wood

  1. Who was the famous French smuggler?

Answer: Louis Mandrin

  1. Which civilization’s name can represent its geographical location?

Answer: Mesopotamian civilization

  1. What did the heliocentric theory pose a fatal problem for?

Answer: Religion

  1. What can happen if you drink water excessively?

Answer: It can be fatal

  1. Are the concepts of “extraordinary strength” and “divine intervention” mutually exclusive?

Answer: No

  1. Semmelweis is associated with what practices?

Answer: Handwashing and disinfection

  1. What does “arbitrary triangle” refer to in geometry?

Answer: All triangles

  1. In the “Encouragement to Learning,” why should one study?

Answer: To earn money

  1. Give an example of how mathematics has influenced history.

Answer: Ending wars

  1. What does the new classroom question card admonish Kawendish to avoid?

Answer: Socializing

  1. In media that depicts the end of Taira no Munemori, what is the most famous depiction?

Answer: Noh theater

  1. In the early translations of “dodgeball,” what was it called?

Answer: “Death Ball”

  1. Who wrote the Tosa Diary?

Answer: A male author

  1. How many years passed before the Greedy Cows problem from around 250 BC was solved?

Answer: 2000 years

  1. How has the internet connected the world through cables?

Answer: Through undersea cables

  1. What is the meaning of “superfluous person”?

Answer: A useless person

  1. What is the most famous artificial language that helps people communicate worldwide?

Answer: Esperanto

  1. Who was acquitted during the witch-hunting operations?

Answer: Betty Parris

  1. In The Tale of Genji, what aspect of Hikaru Genji was most favored by women at that time?

Answer: Wealth

  1. Why are honeycombs hexagonal in shape?

Answer: To save materials

  1. Does the Great Wall of China truly span thousands of miles?

Answer: Depending on the era

  1. What do the Japanese and English names for weekdays have in common?

Answer: Celestial bodies

  1. In The Tale of the Heike, what happened when Taira no Kiyomori poured water on an ill patient?

Answer: The water turned hot

  1. Of the words “abduct,” “only,” and “never,” which one is related to number 1?

Answer: Only

  1. What would humans become in a state without laws and government?

Answer: Warlike

  1. Why was Ferdinand Magellan motivated by spices during his circumnavigation of the world?

Answer: To make money

  1. Compared to the word “destiny,” what is the more negative connotation of “fate”?

Answer: Fatalistic

Persona 5 The Phantom X: Classroom Question Answers Overview

Daily Commission Related Ai Qi’s Questions

  1. Next to which store are the wind-themed souvenirs located?

Answer: Jewelry store

  1. How many restaurants are there on Shibuya’s commercial street?

Answer: 4

  1. Statue

Answer: Dog

Yuta Sato Buys Coffee

  1. Two each of cold, hot Americano, and latte
  2. Two packets of sugar

Work-Related Flower Shop

  1. Expressing love: deep red roses, beautiful carnations, small bellflowers.
  2. Reddish flowers: deep red roses, beautiful carnations, single petal orchids.
  3. Grateful feelings towards benefactors: sweet peas, rainbow sage, small bellflowers.
  4. Flowers suitable for blessings: deep red roses, beautiful carnations, chrysanthemums.
  5. Soft-colored small flowers: jasmine, small bellflowers, fuchsia.
  6. Large flowers with a light fragrance: golden African daisies, chrysanthemums, fuchsia.
  7. Gorgeous flowers with a strong scent: deep red roses, sweet peas, osmanthus.
  8. Large colorful flowers: deep red roses, golden African daisies, single petal orchids.
  9. Flowers to celebrate a friend’s child’s birth: rainbow sage, happy lilies, golden African daisies.

Convenience Store Barcode location of the gourmet magazine “Street Corner”

Answer: Next to the company profile

Crepe Shop Part-Time Job

  1. Recommend to fashionably dressed customers

Answer: Signature strawberry crepe

  1. Recommend to older customers

Answer: Traditional Japanese-style crepe

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