No Rest for the Wicked: Sharing of Agile Archer Gameplay

The third boss drops a golden bow that can actually be enchanted into a golden bow by using a purple wooden bow purchased from the Level 3 Carpentry Shop, and although only two rune skills are displayed after enchantment, the best skills like Fire Arrow and Ice Arrow can also be used.

No Rest for the Wicked: Sharing of Agile Archer Gameplay

The key point is that the Archer build does not require attack attributes on the main hand weapon; any one-handed weapon for the main hand will suffice, and there is no need to upgrade it. However, it should be enchanted with “[Damage dealt adds Focus]”, and other attributes related to attacks and damage are not necessary. It is ideal to also have “[Damage dealt restores Health]”. Adding a yellow gemstone can increase damage with Focus. The only graduation requirement is having around 10% “[Damage dealt adds Focus]” across all equipment.

Alternatively, you can have any main hand weapon, put a yellow gemstone on your pants, and use Focus to recover 10% of your Focus.

Focus on upgrading the Carpenter and Weapon Merchant to level 3 first, then buy a purple wooden bow. Enchanting will automatically turn it into an orange bow. The specific attributes are not required, but higher attack power is better. Then max out the upgrades and add an iron nail gemstone for additional damage.

Stop investing in Agility at 42 and then focus on increasing health and carrying capacity to 20-25. Balance the equipment attributes to wear heavy armor and maintain a 60% carry weight. Check the remaining slots based on personal preferences. If you haven’t obtained the Calm Ring that increases Focus by 100, you can continue adding Focus until the total Focus value multiplied by “[Damage dealt adds Focus]” is above 20 to enable infinite loops (initially, use Focus potions).

During battles, switch to the Rocket/Ice Arrow rune skill and shoot without much strategy. This setup works well for climbing towers, where ordinary monsters are easy to defeat, mostly due to environmental factors. Boss fights may result in accidental deaths, so caution is advised.

Equipment Attribute Tips:

Attributes with “Attack” are ineffective as shooting arrows is considered a rune skill, not an attack. A ring that increases damage is useful.
Focus acquisition rate is ineffective as it doesn’t affect the [Damage dealt adds Focus] attribute.
Other useful attributes include defense, speed, weight reduction, and added carrying capacity for heavy armor players. Using Feather gemstones reduces weight.
In late-game, aim for full purple gear; negative attributes like reduced experience or durability are manageable due to kingdom save points providing bone and experience bottle duplication.
When enchanting main weapons, consider buying the cheapest one-handed sword from the Blacksmith. Batch enchantments to optimize attributes.
Combine with the Calm Ring to reach 300 Focus. Purchase a teleportation rune for the main hand weapon and a freezing dual blade for backup. Customize a blank weapon in slot three for damage buffs, repair, teleportation, available at the Enchantment Shop, especially for powerful damage buff skills.

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