No Rest for the Wicked: List of Key Controls Overview

No Rest for the Wicked: List of Key Controls Overview

Keyboard and Mouse
Action Key
Menu ESC
Quick Menu Tab (long press)
Sprint Shift (long press)
Use off-hand rune/Switch runes Ctrl (long press/short press)
Runes 1, 2, 3, 4
Consume food/Select food Q (long press/short press)
Interact E
Switch main/off-hand rune R
Lock target T (long press to release lock)
Switch main item Z
Switch off-hand item X
Walk to cursor position Alt (long press)
Dodge Space
Consume food F (long press to select food)
Action menu G
Inventory I
Journal J
Map M
Stealth C
Shoulder check V
Mouse Left Click Attack (long press for charged attack)
Mouse Right Click Main/Off-hand rune (long press for charged rune attack)
Block Mouse scroll wheel button (press)
Switch runes Mouse scroll wheel

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