No Rest for the Wicked: How to Defeat Dvalin and Equipment Recommendations


Because Dvalin has two stages, and after losing a lot of health, he becomes spiky all over, it can be quite challenging to defeat him under normal circumstances even with 20 potions. Let me share with you an easy-to-use setup I use to defeat the main boss effortlessly. This setup has extremely low cost, is easy to obtain, and doesn’t require high skill point investments.

No Rest for the Wicked: How to Defeat Dvalin and Equipment Recommendations

To begin with, in the city of Mondstadt, you first need to upgrade the blacksmith to Level 2.

Then, purchase the dual blades “Remnant Blade Twin Daggers” from the blacksmith Flomo.

After buying them, remember to save the game, then go to the runemaster Eleanor to enchant your weapons with the key attribute of gaining focus when dealing damage.

No Rest for the Wicked: How to Defeat Dvalin and Equipment Recommendations

Next, randomly embed a green gemstone into one piece of equipment to increase health recovery speed.

Lastly, don’t forget to enhance your weapon; a Level 2 blacksmith can upgrade it to Level 3.

In terms of skill point allocation, the conditions for the dual blade equipment are Strength and Agility at 16 each, add two points to Stamina, two points to Focus, and you’re all set. You can allocate the rest of the points as you wish.

No Rest for the Wicked: How to Defeat Dvalin and Equipment Recommendations


Maintain distance, lure, and smash down, roll to evade, then use elemental skill to break defense, knock down, perform a combo and regain focus, use focus to repeat breaking defense. After three cycles, the boss will retreat.

No Rest for the Wicked: How to Defeat Dvalin and Equipment Recommendations

First Stage: At the beginning, maintain distance, lure and smash down, evade and counter, then loop this cycle by countering and restoring focus, breaking defense, and knocking down until the first stage is completed.

Second Stage: When the boss gets up, there will be damage. We can’t sneak attack. After breaking his defense, create distance, wait for him to stand up, then immediately use your elemental skill to force him down. Find the rhythm and continue attacking until he is defeated.

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