No Rest for the Wicked: Fast Ways to Obtain Clay

Location As shown in the figure, there are two clay deposits directly here.

Location: At the lowest level of the coastline in Orlban Marsh.

No Rest for the Wicked: Fast Ways to Obtain Clay


  1. First, run here to confirm that your world has two clay deposits that have not been excavated.
  2. Exit the game to the menu.
  3. Quit the game.
  4. Enter the game and continue.
  5. Exit to the menu again.
  6. Click on Nations and check if there is a save file with the latest time. For example, if I posted at 03:02, then I would check if there is a save file with this time in Nations. If there is, you can start farming.
  7. After excavating, exit to the menu again. Then load the save file from this specific time point in Nations, and repeat this process for efficient farming.
No Rest for the Wicked: Fast Ways to Obtain Clay

This method can also be applied to farming pus blood (for upgrading backpack slots) and farming boss golden weapons. The same method can be used for farming other materials as well.

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